The Revelation of Jesus Christ
The book of Revelation is a book of hope, despite the fact that it was full of woes, plagues, curses, distresses and warnings. This book unfolds a panoramic view of the future before our eyes and with it, helps us to see and keep in clear perspective -- our time and purpose here on earth.
Every day, we are bombarded by devastating news and reports of violence, immorality, injustice, political scandals and natural disasters, just to name a few. It can be very depressing and at times make us wonder where the world is heading. So having an end in view helps to fortify our inner man, to be steadfast and undeterred by all the unpleasant circumstances in the world. After all, the Scripture says the prophetic Word of God will always be a “light that shines in a dark place” (2Pet.1:19). When we have hope and reassurance about the future, it gives us strength and stability to live in the present. Thus as we read the book of Revelation and look at the wondrous panorama of God’s revealed plan, it brings us hope, comfort and encouragement.
However, this is also a book of warning that admonishes us on the folly of living for things that are temporal, things that will shortly pass away. It exalts us to live a life worthy of our calling, with eternal life in perspective. As we study this book of hope, let us allow the awe-inspiring Word of God to spur us on, to live holy lives before Him and strengthen our spirit to wait with patience for the Lord’s return.
The book of Revelation is the last book of the Bible and serves as the capstone of the entire biblical library of 66 books. It serves as the final consummation of all biblical revelation. In this book, we see the divine plan of redemption being brought to perfection and the holy Name of God being vindicated before all creation. It gives us the assurance that the sovereign Lord will ensure the ultimate doom of every sin and evil, and that He would surely return to vindicate and reward the righteous as well as judge the wicked.
The word Revelation means “unveiling” or “disclosure”. In other words, the book of Revelation is meant to be an 'open book' in which God desires to reveal His purposes to the Church, contrary to the common belief that it is a mysterious and complex book which is best left to the theological experts. When Daniel finished writing his prophesy, he was instructed to “shut up the words and seal the book...” (Dan.12:4), however, John was instructed “Do not seal the words of the prophesy of this book, for the time is at hand” (Rev.22:10). Hence, this book can be understood and is supposed to be understood, despite the fact that it contains many mysteries. Thus, we hope that this article would help to debunk this deception. Co-essentially, this is the only book with a promise to bless those who read it, open their hearts to the things written in it and seek to heed them “Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy and keep those things which are written in it…” (Rev. 1:3a). May we all be blessed abundantly as we journey through this exciting book with diligence and a seeking heart.
To aid us in our study and understanding, we will outline the book into three simple parts according to Rev.1:19 “Write the things which you have seen, and the things which are, and the things which will take place after this”. Thus, they are divided as follows:
Chapter 1 - The things which John has seen, that is, the vision of Christ as Judge of the Churches.
Chapter 2 & 3 - The things which are, that is, the message to the angels of the seven Churches
Chapters 4 to 22 – The things which will take place after this, that is, the future events from the Rapture of the saints to the Eternal state.
For easier remembrance, the last section can be further sub-divided into:
Chapters 4 to19 – Describes the Great tribulation period, when God will judge the unbelieving nation of Israel and the Gentiles. These judgments are described under the figures of seven seals, seven trumpets and seven bowls.
Chapters 20 to 22 – Describes the events of Christ’s second coming, His kingdom on earth, the Judgment of the Great White Throne and the Eternal State.
Let us study the messages to the seven Churches first and consider their implications to us.
Seven Letters to the Seven Churches (Rev.1-3)
The messages in these letters may be interpreted or applied in two ways. First, they described and addressed the conditions that actually existed historically in the seven local churches in Asia at the time of John’s writing. Second, they can be interpreted as one prophetic message which gives a consecutive preview of the history of Christendom, as the order of the messages to the churches seems to be divinely selected to give prophetically, the main movement of church history, with each church representing a distinctive period. Sadly, as we shall observe, the general trend of the conditions was downward and degenerating. In accordance to this view, the prophetic era can be outlined as follows:
Ephesus - The Loveless Church, the Church of the first century. They were generally praiseworthy but sadly, had left the most important element in Christianity for serving in ministry – the first love.
Smyrna – The Persecuted Church, the Church from the first to the fourth century. They were the Church that suffered great persecution under the Roman emperors.
Pergamos –The Compromising Church, the Church in the fourth and fifth century. It was in this era that Christianity was recognized as an official religion through Emperor Constantine.
Thyatira – The Corrupt Church, the Church from the sixth to the fifteen century. During this period, the Roman Catholic Church had large influence in the Western Christendom while the Orthodox Church ruled in the East until the reformation.
Sardis – The Dead Church, the Church in the sixteenth and seventeenth century. This was the Post-Reformation period when the church became formal, ritualistic, worldly and political.
Philadelphia – The Faithful Church, the church age in the eighteenth and nineteenth century. During this period, there were mighty revivals, especially among the Pentecostal revival, and great missionary movements.
Laodicea – The Lukewarm Church, the church age of the last days. Unfortunately, this period presented the picture of a lukewarm and apostate church, marked with liberalism and worldliness.
These seven letters were addressed to the angels of the seven assemblies. The identities of the angels are not known and there are many interpretations on them. However, we would like to believe that whoever they may refer to, they must be the intermediaries who are given the divine authority to relay the messages to the people.
An important point to note was that along with the messages to the churches were exhortations which are personal in character, comprising of instructions and warnings to the individual Christian. Churches are made up of individuals like you and me, and we are the ones who determine the spiritual life of the assemblies. So let us humble our hearts and be prayerful as we seek the Lord together, to listen to what He is saying to us today through these messages given to the seven angels “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches...” (Rev.2:7)
Church of Ephesus – The Loveless Church (Rev. 2:1-7)
The Church in the city of Ephesus in modern-day Turkey was the first of seven churches addressed in Revelation. It was an outstanding assembly and commended by the Lord for her good works, diligent labor, patience and sound spiritual discernment “I know your works, your labor, your patience, and that you cannot bear those who are evil. And you have tested those who say they are apostles and are not, and have found them liars” (vs.2). She was also faithful, steadfast and enduring “you have persevered and have patience and have labored for My name’s sake and have not become weary” (vs.3). However, in spite of all these virtues, the Lord had a rebuke against them, and that is, their love towards Him had grown cold “you have left your first love”!
Despite their fervency in the ministry, they were no longer passionately in love with God. They were performing acts of love, yet in their hearts, they are no longer lovers of God. In other words, it is possible to be serving, sacrificial and steadfast even in suffering, and yet not really love Jesus Christ! The true motive and motivation of worship and service was missing and God was not pleased. He warned that if they do not repent and return to their First Love, that is, restoring the first commandment to its rightful first place in their hearts, He will remove their lamp stands. Lamp stands were light bearers and were a fitting emblem of the destiny of local churches, which are supposed to shine for God amid the darkness of this world. If the lamp stand is removed, the church destiny is removed and its testimony dies out. This is true corporately as a church and individually as a believer. If we do not repent and return to our first love for God, the purpose and destiny of our call in life is at stake.
Over and above all that we do for Him, what God seeks is ultimately our love and devotion. While serving, it is possible for our hearts to be deceived and distracted by impure motives and motivation. Hence, we can be ministering effectively even when the love of God within us is fizzling out. We can be deceived into thinking that as long as we are active in church ministries - be it serving as home cell leaders, teaching in Sunday schools or preaching and operating in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, we are okay, and is a sign that we are loving God and bringing pleasure to Him. This is obviously not true from the message He gives to the Ephesus Church. It is important that we do a check in our walk and ministry.
Do not equate work with walk. It is possible for us to be working for Him and not walking with Him. However, it is rather impossible for us to be walking with Him rightly and not working for Him “I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit” (Jn.15:5 NLT). Thus, brothers and sisters, we need to come back to God as our first love, restore the first commandment to “love the Lord our God with all our heart, with all our soul and with all our mind” (Matt.22:37) to its first place in our hearts before we can fulfill the second commandment of “loving our neighbor as ourselves” effectively. If we have been too busy in ministry work, so much so that we neglected our time in the Word, in prayer and in living a life of obedience, we are in danger of falling into the same trap and deception as the Ephesians Church. And when one loses its love, one will soon lose its light!
Church of Smyrna – The Church that Withstood Persecution (Rev. 2:8-11)
The church of Smyrna suffered much in tribulation and poverty. However, the fact that God knows their suffering and does not relieve them or counsel them out of it shows that there is a profit and purpose for all these sufferance. God is a good God and He will not let His people suffer in vain or without purpose. The people might be poverty-stricken but spiritually, they were rich. They lived for things eternal, things that would never change and such riches could never be taken away from them.
Persecution can cause either growth or bitterness in our Christian lives and our response will determine the outcome. Trials and tribulations are certainly painful and at times, even unbearable, nevertheless, it has a purifying effect to the soul. Many matured victoriously in the glory of God through trials and tribulations, while ironically, many failed miserably in the comfort and prosperity enjoyed in the likes of the Churches in Ephesus. The church of Smyrna needed no rebuke from the Lord, only exhortation. They were encouraged that the tribulation is only for “ten days” which most probably meant ‘only for a short period’ and are exhorted to be steadfast in their faith and “be faithful until death”. To encourage them, Jesus manifests Himself to them as the alpha and omega and the God of resurrection “the first and the Last, who was dead, and came to life”. Jesus was encouraging them with the revelation that He is in full control of everything that happens on this earth. He is the beginning and the end and is the One who has predestined everything, every circumstance and caused all things to work together for good for those who love Him and live according to His purposes (Rom.8:28).
As end-time pressures increase, persecutions will also increase; we as God's people need to be ready. We should always be reminded of Paul’s exhortation in his letters, both to the Churches in Corinth and in Rome, when we are tried with many trials:
“Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day. For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory…” (2 Cor.4:16-17)
“For I consider that the suffering of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us” (Rom.8:18)
It is easy to lose heart, but let us cultivate the consciousness of eternal perspective and let the assurance of eternal life strengthen us to live above the pain that we face in this life.
Church in Pergamos – The Compromising Church (Rev. 2:12-17)
Pergamos had the first temple dedicated to Caesar and was the Asian headquarter for the cult of emperor-worship. Hence, it was called the place of “Satan’s throne”. In spite of the surrounding paganism, the Church had remained loyal to Christ, even though one of its members, Antipas, had been martyred for his faith. However, the Lord needs to reprove them because they have given in to destructive doctrine.
The doctrine of Balaam comes from a repelling story in the Old Testament when Balaam the prophet was hired by Balak, king of the Moabites, to curse Israel (Num. 22-24). Because of covetousness, he agreed, but God intervened supernaturally and did not allow any curses to come out from his mouth. Seeing that he was unable to curse Israel, he cunningly instructed Balak to lure the Israelites into harlotry with the Moabites, thus incited the anger of God against them (Num.25:1-3; 31:16). Because of his “love for the wages of unrighteousness” (2 Pet.2:15), Balaam compromised his love for God and his people and instigated the corruption of Israel from within. The doctrine of Balaam refers to the practice of Christian service with a covetous heart and impure motives, which has caused many, though effective in the ministry, to lose the spirit and testimony to testify against the sinfulness of this world.
The doctrine of the Nicolaitans is not defined for us in the Scripture. However, many Bible scholars feel that it could refer to the liberal teachers who abused the doctrine of Grace by propagating it in such a manner that is turning it into licentiousness, believing that under grace, they are free to practice anything without evoking the judgment of God. They magnify the grace of God above everything else and ignore God's justice, laws and all conditions governing the principles of righteousness. They teach that judicial forgiveness covers all sins - past, present and future; that God does not impute the sins of believers onto the believers themselves; and that God never condemn a saved man for any sins committed but charge them to the Lord Jesus Christ. Thus, they had abused the Spirit of liberty and given themselves the license to sin.
The “overcomers” are not 'spiritual elites', rather, they are true believers who have separated themselves from evil teachings and lifestyle. They are promised with “hidden manna” and a “white stone”. Manna is a type of Christ and could mean a reward of sweet and intimate relationship with the Lord. The white stone was a symbol of victory in an athletic contest during the culture of those days and was an expression of welcome given by a host to his guest, thus, a promised welcome into eternity.
Jesus manifested to them as “He who has the sharp two-edged sword” which is the Word of God (Heb.4:12). Thus, the message to them is simple: Be diligent to heed the word of God and be set apart from the world and destructive doctrine. Or else, be prepared to suffer judgment. There are many children of God who live a compromising lifestyle before God due to an unsanctified and unsurrendered heart, they believe in God yet love the money and pleasures of the world. If we identify with the Pergamos believers, hopefully by the marvelous mercy of God, we would repent and return to our loving Father, for only in Him can we be fully satisfied.
Church in Thyatira – The Corrupt church (Rev. 2:18-29)
In this letter, the Son of God is seen as having “eyes like a flame of fire” and “feet like fine brass”. The eyes speak of piercing vision and the brass feet speak of threatened judgment.
The Thyatira church was indeed an outstanding Church. They were not lacking in good works, love, service, faith and patience. In fact, their works were even increasing in quantity “as for your works, the last are more than the first”. However, they have entertained false prophetic ministry and got themselves involved in immorality and idolatry without repentance. “And I gave her time to repent of her sexual immorality, and she did not repent.” In other words, they sinned against God willfully! As a result, God’s warning to them was severe. He prescribed a “sick bed” and “great tribulation” upon them unless they repent of their ways.
We should be mindful that God is always watching and that He rewards according to man’s deeds. Our ministry could be growing and impressive, but our lifestyle is equally if not more important. We are exhorted to always “hold fast” to the truth. The Lord promises to give the overcomer the “morning star”. Just as the morning star appears in the heavens before the sun rises, so Christ will appear as the Morning Star to the overcomer before He appears as the Sun of Righteousness to reign over the earth. Thus, the overcomer is promised a part in the Rapture.
Church in Sardis – The Dead church (Rev. 3:1- 6)
They have an indifferent attitude towards the truth. They go to church every Sunday but they listen with their ears instead of with their hearts. They only have natural hearing and not spiritual hearing. Attending church is just a religious act and it gives these believers a social platform for fellowship, however, they never want the truth to transform them and are clearly not ready for the Lord’s return “I will come upon you as thief, and you will not know what hour I will come upon you”(Rev.3:3).
Therefore, Christ exalts them to brace themselves with whatever little they have left and move forward diligently for He “have not found their works perfect”. In the book of Ecclesiastes 9:10, we are also exalted that “whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might; for there is no work …in the grave”. Sadly, there are many who take the labor of God’s work carelessly and do it with a wonton attitude, they started in zeal but never bring their work into completion.
Jesus also warned them to hold fast to the sacred deposit of truth and to repent of their lifelessness. Unless they wake up, He would come unexpectedly and deal with them in judgment. It seems that many have also defiled themselves, for He pointed to a remnant who “have not defile their garments…” and promised that “He who overcome shall be clothed in white garments, and I will not blot out his name from the Book of Life”. The warning “will not blot out” implies that their names are already in the Book of Life and they need to be overcomers for their names to remain there. However, if they refuse to repent and be overcomers, they will suffer loss when Jesus Christ comes again, for “anyone not found in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire” (Rev.20:15).
Church in Philadelphia – The Faithful church (Rev. 3:7-13)
This, like the Church in Smyrna, received no reproof from the Lord, only exhortation. Despite of their “little strength”, the saints have remained faithful, that is, in their own human weakness they have continued to put their trust in the Lord. As a result, they have been able to preserve the truth by living it out in their lives. Jesus gave us a wonderful promise in 2 Cor.12:9, He says “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness” and Paul declared in verse 10 that “For when I am weak, then I am strong”. We can be an overcomer not because of our strength, as a matter of fact, it is in our weakness that we learn how to be fully yielded to Christ, to depend on His grace to lead us to triumph.
Because of their steadfastness, He delivered a glorious promise to them: “I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth.” (Rev. 3:10) This is a definite allusion to the Rapture and the timing before the Great Tribulation period as described in chapters 6-19. Notice that the promise to them is to keep them from “the hour of trial”, that is, keep them out of the entire period of trial and not through it. What a comforting assurance! This assurance alone is enough to encourage us to stay steadfast and faithful in our walk with the Lord.
He would also set before them an open door of opportunity that no one would be able to shut (Rev.3:7). In this world, many people strife for opportunities to be successful, to gain financial wealth, sometimes even to the extent of compromising our Christian values and integrity, many ended with much pain and disappointments. We should learn to put our trust in God. “He who opens and no one shut, and shuts no one opens…I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it”. If only we remain faithful, He will open supernatural doors for us and eventually exalt us “I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you.” (Rev.3:9)
Church in Laodicea – The lukewarm church (Rev. 3:14-22)
Laodicea presented a vivid picture of the age that we are living in, as such, we will spend more time in meditation concerning this church and do more in-depth study so that the gleaning of the precious lessons from it might awaken our spirit.
In our modern Church age, luxurious living abounds and has become idols in many of our hearts. Christians today are more interested about wearing “crowns” than bearing “crosses”. There is very little sense of spiritual need and hunger and even lesser longing for true revival. We give the best years of our lives to the business world and the remnants to our beloved Savior. We are more concerned with accumulation rather than forsaking, with laying up treasures on earth rather than in heaven.
This is a Church characterized by pride, ignorance, self-sufficiency and complacency “I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing – and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked”. These people feel good about themselves because they are rich and are deceived into thinking that they need nothing. But God say to them “So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold not hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth.” (Rev. 3:16). This must be a very shocking message to a people who think highly of themselves! They think that they are the elites in the society, the ones who have attained success and thus are highly esteemed by men, but God considers them to be disgusting and nauseating.
In His mercy and grace, He counseled the beguiled Church to buy three things from Him -gold, white garment and ointments for the eyes. Let’s look at each of these items separately.
Gold in its purest form is soft and pliable. When mixed with other metals such a copper or iron, it becomes harder, less pliable and more corrosive. The higher the percentage of mixture, the harder the gold becomes. Conversely, the lower the percentage of mixture, the softer and more flexible it is.
Thus, we can now understand why Jesus counseled them to buy from Him “gold refined in the fire”. A pure heart before God is like refined gold - soft, tender and pliable. Our hearts can be “hardened through the deceitfulness of sin” (Heb.3:13). Sins are like other metals, added into gold and turning it into alloy, hardening it just as it hardens our hearts. This impurity in our hearts causes it to lose its tenderness and sensitivity towards the Lord. Jesus is coming for a glorious church that is pure, without spot or impurity and whose heart is unpolluted by the world system. Presently, the church is very much infiltrated with the world methodology, mannerism and philosophy. It has become like brass (resembles gold but is actually an alloy of copper and zinc), possessing a form of godliness yet living a corrupted lifestyle. We are so deceived to believe that the gospel was unattractive and irrelevant to our modern society that we needed the manipulation and gimmick of celebrities and pop culture to stay relevant and to attract the world. As a result, instead of being a light and salt to the world, we are beguiled to think that we need to be like the world to win the world. How far have we deviated from the truth!
After counseling the Church to buy refined gold, Jesus advises them to buy “white garments”, lest the shame of their nakedness be revealed. “White garments” speak of the garments of righteousness, given to us freely when we accepted Christ as our Lord and Savior. However, if our walk with the Lord is not diligent, this provision can be received in vain, such that the shame of our sins that was once covered is again revealed. This was forewarned to us in the parable of the wedding feast in Matt.22:1-14.
The parable of the wedding feast is a picture of celebration in the kingdom of heaven at the end of this age. The first stage of the invitation was the offer given to the nation of Israel to come into the kingdom, unfortunately, they rejected the invitation. The second stage of the invitation suggests the proclamation of the gospel to all gentiles both good and bad, that is, of all degrees of respectability. However, the qualification of each individual invitee will be tested. The man without the wedding garment was ultimately disqualified from the feast and thrown out into the outer darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth. According to the custom in those days, the guests are provided with the garments to attend the wedding feast. This man obviously takes the invitation lightly and did not treasure the garment that was provided for him. Like the man in the parable, many have not considered the terror of the Lord and mock His holiness by our trivial view of His judgment. We are deceived to think that we are clothed but in reality we could be naked before the Lord. This leads us to consider the third item that the lukewarm church needs – eye salve to anoint their eyes. The Lord in His great mercy is showing the church that they needed healing for their spiritual blindness. May the Lord have mercy on us, open our eyes that we may truly see and be awakened from our spiritual sloppiness.
A Glimpse of Heaven (Rev. 4 – 5)
There is a clear demarcation between chapter 3 and 4, as from this point onwards, the Church was never mentioned. We believe that the true Church is taken to heaven at the end of Chapter 3 and from now on, the Lord resumes His dealings with the nation of Israel - the Jewish people concerning their rejection of the Messiah. After giving us a glimpse into the glory of heaven and its heavenly worship, the rest of the scene introduces us to the seven year period of the Great Tribulation, also known as the ‘time of Jacob’s trouble’ prophesy by Jeremiah (Jer.30:7), a period blazed with great sufferings such as the world has never known or ever will know (Matt.24:21).
Seven Seals (Rev. 6 – 8)
The seven seals bring about extensive devastations on earth. However, these disasters are mainly the result of the wickedness of man. The seven trumpets that followed are disasters sent by God with the aim of persuading man to repent, and the final seven bowls are the final outpourings of God's wrath on the impenitent mankind. Before we look into the seven seals, an important thing to note is that the seven seals are opened by Jesus, indicating His sovereignty over the future. Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End (Rev. 22:13), He is sovereign from the beginning to the end of history and everything in between!
First 6 Seals
The second seal reveals a rider on a horse which was “fiery red” and a “great sword” was given to him, which could symbolize the beginning of war. He will remove peace from the earth and cause men to slay one another (Rev. 6:3-4).
The third seal reveals a rider on a “black horse” which represent famine that often follows after war. The “wheat” and “barley” which are normally staple food items were being sold at prohibitive prices. The scales were used to weigh the rationed grain clearly symbolizes famine.
The fourth seal reveals a “pale horse” with “Death” and “Hades” as its riders (Rev. 6:7-8). Power was given to them to destroy a fourth of the earth’s inhabitants by means of war, famine, pestilence and wild beasts. Death is associated with the physical body whereas Hades is associated with the spirit and soul. This could mean that the people are being destroyed eternally.
The fifth seal reveals the faithful martyrs. They are being “slain for the word of God and the testimony which they help” (Rev.6:9-11). In robes of white (symbolizing their righteousness), the martyrs cry out for God to avenge their blood. God lovingly gave them the assurance; however, they are to wait until the final complement of the Great Tribulation martyrs is completed.
The opening of the sixth seal brings tremendous cosmic destruction to nature. “A great earthquake” shook the land and sea and even the starry heavens are thrown into disorder. The “Sun” that shines brightly since the creation is now darkened like “sackcloth of hair” and the alluring romantic “moon” turned red like “blood”. What a spine-chilling scene! “Stars...fell to the earth, as a fig tree drops its late figs when it is shaken by mighty wind”. The sky receded as if it is a sheet of parchment being rolled up, every mountain and island is replaced by tremendous upheavals.
All humanity is in distress and wants to die for they reckoned that God is pouring out His wrath. In desperation, they “said to the mountains and rocks, 'Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him....for the great day of His wrath has come...” (Rev.6:12-17). They are so tormented by misery that they prefer to be crushed by tumbling mountains and rocks, than to endure the wrath and judgement of God.
Between 6th and 7th Seal
Between 6th and 7th Seal
There is an interlude between the sixth and seventh seals. The vision of the “four angels standing at the four corners of the earth” and holding back “the four winds of the earth” signifies the holding back of another catastrophic judgment. The 144,000 could be 12,000 each from the twelve tribes of Israel (Rev.7:5-8) and the seal on their foreheads warrants that they will be preserved alive during the ensuing seven years. The great multitudes of people whom no one can count are the saints that have “come out of the Great Tribulation” (Rev. 7:13-14).
We believe that the Great Tribulation period is God's dealing especially with the Jews. In Jer. 30:7 God described the day of tribulation as “the time of Jacob’s trouble”. Jacob represents the twelve tribes of Israel because they came from him. If God had called the day “the time of Abraham’s trouble”, that would mean it is for all who are in the faith and not just the Jews, for we are all children of Abraham through faith (Gal.3:14)
The Bible also expressly says that there are believers who would not go through the Great tribulation if they are diligent and faithful in Lk.21:36 “Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass (referring to the things mention in Lk.21:20- 28) and in Rev.3:10 “Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world...”. On the other hand, some will be cast into the Great Tribulation because of their wickedness “Indeed I will cast her into a sickbed and those who commit adultery with her into great tribulation, unless they repent of their deeds” (Rev.2:22).
The Seventh Seal
First Trumpet: Vegetation Struck (Rev.8:7)
The first angel sounds his trumpet and “hail and fire... mingled with blood” are hurled down the earth. The environment is devastated by this terrible calamity. A third of the trees and all green pastures are burnt. This would affect not only the balance of nature but also the food supply, for as the pasture lands are devastated, it would also devastate the meat and dairy industries that are dependent on it.
Second Trumpet: Seas Struck (Rev. 8:8-9)
After the land, the sea receives the judgment as the second angel sounds his trumpet “something like a great mountain burning with fire was thrown into the sea and turned a third of the seas into blood”. Due to this judgment, a third of the sea turns into blood, which could mean a third of the marine life died and a third of the ships are destroyed. This will result in an ecological and economic disaster of unprecedented proportions.
Considering that the ocean occupies about three quarters of the earth's surface, we can imagine the extent of this judgment. The pollution of the water and the death of so many creatures would greatly affect the balance of life in the ocean and will certainly diminish man’s food supply further.
Third Trumpet: Water Struck (Rev. 8:10-11)
It is difficult to identify “Wormwood”, but in Jer. 9:15, it is known as a very bitter substance and it signifies misery and affliction. Moses warned that idolatry would bring sorrow to Israel, like root, producing wormwood (Deut.29:18). Solomon warned that immorality might seem pleasant, but in the end, it produces bitterness like wormwood (Prov.5:4)
Fourth Trumpet: Heavens Struck (Rev. 8:12-13)
Here, an angel calls out “Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth, because of the remaining blasts of the trumpet of the three angels who are about to sound!” (Rev. 8:13) Indeed, the next three trumpets will bring about more severe destruction and even worse, more directly upon mankind. With the announcement of the three woes, the judgments continue to increase in intensity!
Fifth Trumpet: Locusts from the Bottomless pit (Rev. 9:1-12)
Sixth Trumpet: Angels from the Euphrates (Rev. 9:13-21)
After these plagues, those who survived still “did not repent of the works of their hands, that they should not worship demons” and from “their murderers or their sorceries or their sexual immorality or their thefts”. This should serve as a warning message to us. If we choose to harden our hearts, we can reach a point of no return. Like Pharaoh and the Egyptians, they witnessed the power of God plague after plague but refused to acknowledge Him and finally perished into eternity. We should take heed and live a life of obedience based on His Word and the leading of the Holy Spirit before it is too late. For if we harden our hearts, our hearts will grow even harder over time.
After this, before the seventh trumpet sounded, there is again an interlude as there was between the sixth and seventh seals. We have now come to the midpoint of the Great Tribulation, a time which we will see a great change in the character of the antichrist. He began as a peacemaker and a protector to Israel; but now, his true character will be revealed. He will become a peace-breaker and a persecutor to the people of God.
The Mighty Angel, Little Book & Two Witnesses (Rev. 10-11:14)
During this time, God also raised up “two witnesses, and they will prophesy one thousand two hundred and sixty days” (the last half of the Great Tribulation). Most scholars associate them with Moses and Elijah for the power to turn the waters “to blood” and “to strike the earth with all plagues” reminded us of Moses in Egypt (Ex.7:14-20; 8:1-12; 29) and the power to “shut heaven” reminded us of Elijah's ministry (1Kg.17:1; 18:41-45; 2Kgs.1:9-12). However, after they have “finished their testimony”, they are being killed by “the beast” from the “bottomless pit”. But “after the three and a half days....” God resurrected them and “great fear fell on those who saw them”.
Seventh Trumpet (Rev. 11:15-19)
God has not forgotten “His covenant” with His people, Israel. When “the temple of God was opened in heaven, the ark of His covenant was seen in His temple”, a symbol that all He has promised to Israel will be fulfilled. Before the seven bowls are revealed, there is again an interlude. Here we will consider a number of visions before we come back to consider the seven bowls.
The Woman, the Child and the Dragon (Rev. 12:1-6)
Revelation 12-13 introduces us to the evil trinity: Satan the dragon, false Christ or antichrist the beast and the false prophet. Together they oppose the true God and continue to torment the people on earth in the traumatic second half of the Great Tribulation period.
John vision opens with two wonders in heaven. The first “a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a garland of twelve stars”. The woman here represents the nation of Israel, for in Gen.37:9-10, the Sun represents Jacob, the moon as his wife and the twelve stars as the 12 sons. In addition, it was through the nation of Israel that Jesus Christ came forth.
A second sign in heaven was “a fiery red dragon” with “seven heads and ten horns and seven diadems on his heads” waiting to devour the “Child as soon as it was born”. The dragon represents Satan “the great dragon was cast out, 'that serpent of old called the Devil and Satan...” (Rev.12:9). However, since the description parallels that of the revived Roman Empire in 13:1, it could also ascribe to a political power that is energized by Satan. The “male Child” represents the Lord Jesus Christ, destined “to rule all the nations with a rod of iron”.
During this period, Israel will “fled into the wilderness”, a place God had prepared for her where she would be taken care of for 1,260 days (this was also refer to as a time and times and half a time in Rev.12:14, meaning three and a half year). In the spiritual realm John also saw the war between “Michael and his angel” against “the dragon and his angels”. In this battle, Satan was so thoroughly defeated that he was hurled out of heaven permanently (Rev. 12:9). Considering now that his time is short on this earth, “the devil” begins to pour out his wrath with greater intensity upon “the inhabitants of the earth and the sea.” And in an attempt to hinder Israel's escape into the wilderness, he tries to create a great flood by spewing “water out of his mouth”. Nonetheless, God divinely intervened and “the earth opened its mouth and swallowed up the flood”. Hence, the devil was outwitted.
Beast from the Sea (Rev. 13:1-9)
Chapter 13 introduces us to two great beasts: First, a “beast rising up out of the sea” and second a “beast coming up out of the earth”. The first beast represents the revived Roman Empire, which exist in a ten-kingdom form represented by the “ten horns” predicted by Daniel in Dan.7:24. He also has “seven heads” which represents seven mountains (Rome was built on seven hills, thus, it could be a veiled reference to this powerful city). However in Rev.17:9-10, the seven heads were also understood to be “seven kings”, a possible reference to seven different types of rulers or seven stages of the empire. He has “ten crowns” with “a blasphemous name” on his head which symbolizes his ruling power and authority, given to him by the dragon - Satan.
This strange beast looks “like a leopard”, with feet “like the feet of a bear”, and with mouth “like the mouth of a lion”. In Daniel 7, the “leopard” symbolizes the Greece Empire, the “bear” is a type of the Medo-Persian Empire and the “lion” represents the Babylonian empire. This could mean that the revived Roman Empire might resemble the old Roman Empire in such a way that it is swift and aggressive to conquer like a leopard, yet powerful and strong like the bear, and greedy and ferocious like the lion. So, the final world empire will have a combination of all these evil features of the preceding empires united as one.
The beast was “deadly wounded” in one of the head but was subsequently healed, causing many to “marveled and followed” him. This could mean that he possessed supernatural power for healing and miracles, thus deceiving and winning a great following. Astonishingly, he was also allowed to speak “blaspheme against God, to blaspheme His name, His tabernacle, and those who dwell in heaven... for forty-two months (three and a half years)” and “granted to...make war with the saints”, and mournfully even to “overcome them”. This will be a great test to the truth believers for their “patience and the faith”.
Beast from the Earth (Rev. 13:10-18)
He exercises “all the authority of the first beast...and causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast”. This could mean that the revived Roman Empire gives him all the authority to act on her behalf and his job is to draw the nations to honor her. He will organize and promote the worship of antichrist and probably making it the official religion of the world. He is endowed with supernatural powers from Satan and “performs great signs”. He is able to cause “fire come down from heaven” and even enabling “the image of the beast” to speak. This will further boost his power in deceiving man into worshiping him as God. Not contented with just controlling the religious realm, he also instituted strong measures to control the economy by letting no one “buy or sell” without the “mark of the beast” (666) on either the right hand or forehead. The purpose is to make use of economic means to force men to forsake Christ for idolatry!
The Lamb and the 144,000 (Rev. 14:1- 5)
The Lamb and the 144,000 (Rev. 14:1- 5)
The Proclamation of Three Angels (Rev. 14:6-13)
The first angel warns of the “judgment” which is due upon the earth and gives a final appeal for man to turn to God, to carry the “the everlasting gospel to preach to those who dwell on the earth – to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people...”. This corresponds with Matthew 24:14 “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all nations, and then the end will come”. For God is compassionate and “desire all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth” (1Tim.2:4)
The second angel proclaims judgment on Babylon “Babylon is fallen, is fallen...” Babylon represents the world political organization and economic system. She had “made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her for fornication” that is, she has seduced them into the pleasure of sexual immorality and hence reaped the judgment of God upon themselves. The harlot in Rev.17 represents the apostate religious system that the Antichrist uses to help build his organization. However, after he has established his own religion in Rev.13:11-15, he will destroy it. That means Satan himself will destroy the false apostate religion after he has fully made use of it to accomplish his purpose. This will always be the fate for those who are deceived into serving Satan, that they themselves will ultimately be destroyed. But God will personally destroy ‘Babylon’, the satanic political and economic system set up by Satan.
The third angel warns that anyone who agree to beast-worship in any of its forms will suffer God's wrath now and eternally “If anyone worships the beast and his image...shall also drink of the wine of wrath of God which is poured out in full strength...and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone...”. We should always be mindful that to ‘go along with the world’ means to go away from God and that hell consists of eternal and conscious punishment. The Bible teaches that the wicked dead will be annihilated for it says that “ the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night...”.We should be watchful and very discerning of doctrines that propagate culturally savvy Christianity, lest we suffered these eternal punishments. God says “Be holy, for I am holy” (1Pet.1:16). The root concept of the word holiness is 'separation'. We are called as children of God, to be separated from the worldly culture, values and philosophy, be separated unto the Lord to be His light in a world that lives in desperate darkness.
Grain Harvest and Grape Harvest (Rev. 14:14-20)
After the angelic proclamations above, there will be two great harvests – the harvest of the earth and the harvest of the grapes, representing the harvest of the righteous and the harvest of the wicked respectively. Christ will harvest from earth from the believers to enter the Millennium, while an angel will “gathered the vine of the earth and threw it into the great winepress of the wrath of God... and blood came out of the winepress...” The vine of the earth is in contrast to Christ the heavenly vine. We are the branches as Christ is the vine thus the vine of the earth represents the unbelievers which will be reaped for harvest as the end of age approaches.
Seven Bowls (Rev. 15 – 16:21)
The first bowl is poured out on the land and brings “foul and loathsome” sores to break out on those who had the “mark of the beast” and who worshiped his image.
The second bowl is poured out on “the sea and it became blood”, killing every living creature of the sea.
The third bowl is poured out on “the rivers and springs of waters” and all water sources became blood. At this point, perhaps men have accused God that the judgment was unrighteous; “an angel of the waters” came forth to defend the justice of God's judgment. “You are righteous, O Lord, The One who is and who was and who is to be. Because You have judged these things. For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets. And You have given them blood to drink”. Because men have shed blood in abundance, now they are recompensed with blood to drink instead of water.
The fourth bowl is poured out on “the sun” causing men to suffer severe sunburn or solar radiation. This does not, however, cause them to repent. Instead they continue to blaspheme and curse God for sending this scorching heat on earth.
The fifth bowl is poured out on “the throne of the beast” causing his kingdom to be full of darkness. This is when men will experience the reality of Satan’s kingdom – the kingdom of darkness where good is absent. Having preferred darkness over light by choosing to worship the beast over God, wicked men now get what they have chosen. This adds to their sufferings because they are not able to travel for relief from the preceding afflictions. Thus, “they gnawed their tongues because of the pain”. But sadly, it does not soften their hearts; instead, they become even more settled in their hatred of God.
The sixth bowl is then poured out on the “the great river Euphrates”, drying up its water, permitting the armies from the east to march towards the land of Israel. This would mean that some nations in the east will rise to power in the last days to fulfill its prophetic agenda. John also saw three demonic spirits coming out of “the mouth of the dragon...the beast and.... the false prophet”. These symbolized Satan’s counterfeit unholy trinity to perform miracles, signs and wonders, to deceive the world’s ruler and to lure the people of the earth for the battle of “Armageddon”.
Finally, the seventh bowl is poured out into the air and with that, the earth will be utterly shaken as the wrath of God is accomplished. This is indicated by the seventh angel's proclamation that “It's done!” There are violent convulsive explosions, “thundering, lightning...and great earthquake” of unprecedented proportions. Every island and every mountain disappear as the earth continues to be bombarded by hailstones. However, men continue to blaspheme God rather than repent. Here we can see how, through the hardening of hearts, the sins of men can increase so rapidly that they become irredeemable; even with the severest judgment, men will not repent.
Having completed His wrath on society and its structures, God now goes on to finish His work of destroying the devil and creating everything new.
The Great harlot and the Scarlet Beast (Rev. 17)
Four times in this chapter, the woman was called a “harlot” and her sin was called “fornication”. The “harlot” represents the apostate religious system in John's time. She “sits on many waters” symbolizes her control and influence over great areas of the gentile’s world “The waters which you saw, where the harlots’ sits are peoples, multitudes, nations and tongues” (Rev.17:15). Even the political leaders and their inhabitants have come under her evil and wicked influences “The Kings of the earth committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth were made drunk with the wine of her fornication”. She has also killed many of the saints “And I saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus”.
The “scarlet beast” as noted in Chapter 13 refers to the revived Roman Empire. The fact that the beast John saw “was” means that (the Roman Empire that existed in the past) “and is not” (was destroyed and no longer exists as a world empire today); and “will ascend out of the bottomless pit and go into perdition” (it will reappear again as a revived empire).
The “seven kings” most likely refer to the kings of the great world powers who had conquered Israel. According to Rev.17:10, five of these have passed off the scene, one was present in John's day and one has yet to come. If so, then the past five kingdoms would be Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia and Greece. The present kingdom would be Rome and the future kingdom would be the revived Roman Empire. The “eighth king” who is also the “beast” refers to the head of the revived Roman Empire and the Antichrist.
The “ten horns” may symbolize the future “kings” who will serve under the “beast”. They will rule only for a short time, symbolizes by “one hour”, thereupon, they unanimously yielded their powers to the beast “There are one mind, and they will give their power and authority to the beast”. And together, they will then “make war with the Lamb” but “the Lamb will overcome them”.
Consequently, the revived Roman Empire turns her anger against the harlot and “make her desolate and naked, eat her flesh and burn her with fire”. Apparently, the Antichrist who uses the apostate religious system to accomplish the world power now destroys the harlot and establishes his own religious system. Since the Antichrist only sets up his image in the temple about the middle of the Great Tribulation period, we can assume that the “the harlot” and the “beast” work together during those first three and a half years. All this may sound puzzling and ridiculous to us; however, they are all in the sovereign plan of God “For God has put it into their hearts to fulfill His purpose...until the words of God are fulfilled”.
Fall of Babylon (Rev. 18)
Chapter 18 is primarily a 'funeral celebration' for the fall of the Mystery Babylon. The woman is known as “the great harlot” but Babylon is known as “the mother of harlots”, for in one way or another, Babylon is the birthing place of all the false religions in the world. “Another angel...cried mightily with a loud voice, saying “Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen...”. As mention before, “Babylon” represents the political and economic system of the world. The system intoxicated the people of the world with all the riches and pleasures it has to offer. It was catered to those who were lovers of pleasures and lovers of themselves. For after her fall, many “merchants” and “shipmaster” were seen mourning for her, because without her, their trade was destroyed and their riches lost. However, we are commanded to rejoice when Babylon is overthrown “Rejoice over her, O heaven, and you 'holy apostles and prophets for 'God has avenged you on her!”
Immediately after the proclamation, another “voice from heaven” warns the saints to “Come out of her...” lest they share “in her sins...and receive of her plagues” for “her sins have reached to heaven, and God remembered her iniquities….repay her double according to her works...in the same measure that she glorified herself...in the same measure give her torment and sorrow...she will be utterly burned with fire, for strong is the Lord God who judges her”.
The important question is - are we citizens of Babylon or citizens of heaven?
Marriage Supper of the Lamb (Rev. 19:1-10)
After these things, John heard a “great multitudes in heaven” praising the Lord for His righteous judgment on “the great harlot” who had corrupted the earth with her fornication and for her cold-blooded murder of “His servants”. Both the apostate religious system and the satanic political and economic system have led the world astray and polluted the conscience of mankind. Now finally, the Great Tribulation is over and Babylon has been judged. It is time to rejoice for “the marriage of the Lamb has come and His wife (the Church) has made herself ready” and “Blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb”.
God has been reigning on the throne of heaven, but He is now about to conquer the thrones of the earth as well as the kingdom of Satan and antichrist. In His sovereignty, He has permitted evil men and evil angels to do their worst; but now the time has come for His will to done on earth as it is in heaven.
The Coming of Christ and His Millennial Kingdom (Rev. 19:11-21)
He is now “clothed with a robe dipped in blood”, however, this was not the blood He shed on Calvary's Cross, rather, it is the blood of His enemies whom He tramples in the “winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God”
He is accompanied by the righteous saints “the armies in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, followed Him on white horse”. However, they are not required to fight, the Lord Jesus defeats the enemy unaided “out of His mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it He should strike the nations”.
In desperation, “the beast” allies with the armies of the world to make war against the Lord. But it was a futile attempt, both “the beast” and “the false prophets” are captured and “cast alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone”, the final and permanent place of punishment for all who refuse to submit to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. The antichrist and false prophets were the first to be cast into hell. Satan will follow 1,000 years later, together with those whose names are not recorded in the Book of Life. In this short passage, John gives us a beautiful description of the mighty Conqueror and His conquest.
Satan bound for a Thousand years (20:1-4)
Before the Millennium begins, Satan must be restrained, thus, an angel was sent to “bound him for a thousand years and cast him into the bottomless pit...so that he should deceive the nations no more till the thousand years was finished”. Contrastingly, the faithful martyrs and those “who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received his mark...lived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years”. First Satan was cast out of heaven (Rev.12:9) and now he is cast out of earth!
During these times, Israel will be restored and be a great and favored nation (Isa. 2:1-3) with Jerusalem appointed as her capital (Isa. 60:10-14). The natural world will also be transformed and peace will be over all the earth (Zech. 8:4-5; Rom. 8:19-22). The climate will be ideal (Is. 30:23-26), animals of the wild will be tamed (Is. 11:6-8), there will be great marine life (Ezek. 47:9-10), and people will enjoy good health and long life (Is. 35:5-6, 65:19-22)
Most importantly God will be worshiped and His name will be known throughout the world (Mal. 1:11). All mankind will gather at the Temple of Jerusalem to worship God (Ezek. 40-48; Zech. 14:16) and the Jews will lead them in worship (Is. 60:10-14). Everything during these one thousand years will be whatever God intended creation to be.
The First Resurrection (Rev.20:5)
The second resurrection is for the unrighteous and it leads to judgment “Do not marvel at this; for the hour is coming in which all who are in the graves will hear His voice...those who have done good, to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of condemnation” (Jn.5:28-29). Also in Dan.12:2 “And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake. Some to everlasting life, while some to shame and everlasting contempt”.
War of God and Magog (Rev. 20:7-10)
During the Millennium, the inhabitants of the earth include the glorified saints as well as the citizens of the nations who did not bow down to the antichrist. Thus, these people will probably inter-marry and birth forth a new generation. However, this new generation might not fully submit to the Lordship of Christ as the millennium progresses; and this explains why Satan will be able to gather a great army of rebels at the close of the kingdom age.
After the one thousand years have expired, “Satan will be released...to deceive the nations which are in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together...” for the final battle. According to Ezekiel 38-39, Magog was a great land north of Israel and Gog was its ruler. After gathering a huge army “whose member is as the sand of the sea”, they march against Jerusalem, “the beloved city”. But, as they have never expected, God dealt with them speedily and efficiently, “fire came down from God out of heaven and devoured them”.
Great White Throne Judgment (Rev. 20:11-15)
Finally, judgment for each and every individual is due before the Great White Throne of God. All the “dead, small and great standing before God...” and each man will receive his judgment. This judgment is also known as the “second death” judgment, for anyone whose names are “not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire...” together with Death and Hades.
Today, when an unbelievers dies, his spirit goes to a place called Hades, which means the unseen world, – that is, the realm of the dead. What this means is that death will give up the bodies and Hades will give up the spirits. There will even be a resurrection of bodies from the sea and no sinner will escape the judgment.
The book of Life contains the names of all who have been redeemed by the precious blood of Christ. The other books contain a detailed record of the works of the unsaved “The Word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day” (Jn.12:48). Every sinner will be held accountable for the truth he or she has heard in this life. Before God ushers in His new heavens and earth, He must completely and thoroughly deal with sin first.
New Heaven and New Earth (Rev. 21-22)
During the Millennium, the old Jerusalem is built up, but after the millennium, the “New Jerusalem” descends from heaven. This marks a new beginning just as in Genesis. The old creation has been fully liberated from bondage and God’s children now live in glorious freedom. There “shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying; and there shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away”. However, only “He who overcomes shall inherit all things...but the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death”.
This new city has “no temple...” for “the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb is its temple”. It also “had no sun or moon” because the glory of God illuminates it, and “the Lamb” is the lamp. There is also “no night” as it is a land of fadeless day. Nothing unclean will ever enter “only those who are written in the Lamb's Book of life”. The new house will be a home of the righteousness forever.
A “pure river of water of life” will flow from “the throne of God and of the Lamb” through the middle of the street. And on either side of the river grows “the tree of life” with its fruits no longer forbidden. “The leaves of the tree” are for the “healing of the nations”; figuratively it means that the nations will enjoy perpetual good health.
Final Warning and Assurance (Rev. 22:6-21)
A study of prophecy should always motivate us to have a closer walk with the Lord and to share His love with the lost world. Unfortunately, many have focused on the interpretation and missed out on the significance. We pray that you will be blessed, as Jesus has promised, when you study this book. Let us be a people of destiny and set our eyes on the things to come and not just on the things that are present.
“Even so, come, Lord Jesus!”
Since no one knows when Christ will return, each generation must live in expectancy of His coming.
Are You Ready?